Thursday, January 20, 2011

Time for Some Serious Baking


I hope I'm not the only person out here who is ALREADY super excited about Valentine's Day! There are so many sugary concoctions that I want to make for my hubby and friends, that I don't even know where to begin! Also, last night while studying for my Pharmacology exam I realized that we didn't have anything chocolatey in our house to temporarily curb my urge to bake (note: craving something yummy while you're studying is a particularly horrible time to realize this)!

On a side note, recently I purchased a mini-muffin pan and a Springform pan. As you get to know me, you'll understand that I am definitely a person that gets super excited about the little things in life. There are endless recipes for adorable and tasty mini-tarts and mini-this and that, which I'm really looking forward to bringing to our various functions this year. Not to mention, all the beautiful cheesecakes that I'll be able to prepare with my new Springform pan!

I've added links below to some of the recipes that I plan on attempting in the very near future! Be sure to stay tuned for pictures of my successes....or failures, LoL.

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